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ST4847 5 63acornwall 21st April 2019, 19:50
» by 63acornwall
Malone Times 2 15 malone 21st April 2019, 18:46
» by malone
Scotsman 20/04 1 sandyb 21st April 2019, 18:06
» by malone
Everyman 2 ruby 21st April 2019, 17:25
» by ruby
Spectator 2404 6 solidair123 21st April 2019, 15:59
» by xwordfan
Great crossword for Easter Sunday 1 jenpepian 21st April 2019, 15:14
» by malone
Everyman 3784 0 jenpepian 21st April 2019, 14:50
» by jenpepian
Times cryptic 1376 19 allie 21st April 2019, 14:34
» by rusty
Times 27330 2 dizziylizzy 21st April 2019, 14:13
» by dizziylizzy
Times jumbo 1376 cryptic 3 bigdave1954 21st April 2019, 14:09
» by bigdave1954
Further items on a supermarket shelf! 4 norm 20th April 2019, 21:59
» by norm
yp1729 1 shayman51 20th April 2019, 21:29
» by rusty
Sat Times 27,330 April 20th 6 rogerjw 20th April 2019, 20:16
» by brendan
Sat alphapuzzle 2 landy 20th April 2019, 19:01
» by landy
Herald GK 757 today. 4 andyb 20th April 2019, 18:59
» by andyb
YP 1729 5 cooks07 20th April 2019, 16:36
» by cooks07
Wee stinker April 20th 3 arremmay 20th April 2019, 14:04
» by arremmay
SAT TIMES 27330 9 hallgreening 20th April 2019, 13:47
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2558 5 diablos 20th April 2019, 12:56
» by diablos
YP 1729 2 linton 20th April 2019, 10:13
» by linton
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