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Jumbo cryptic 1381 2 despard 20th May 2019, 10:20
» by despard
Times 27,354 2 ftsalmon 20th May 2019, 07:44
» by ftsalmon
Private Eye 651 3 duffer 19th May 2019, 21:26
» by brendan
SP 2 cantdo 19th May 2019, 21:10
» by cantdo
SE Skeleton 3 tyke51 19th May 2019, 19:10
» by rusty
Wee Stinker 4 cockie 19th May 2019, 18:40
» by seamus, ayrshire
st 4851 1 markymark 19th May 2019, 18:28
» by cerasus
Everyman 3788 four to do 5 johnpuzzle 19th May 2019, 18:23
» by cerasus
IQ 1595 may contain answers 16 sunray 19th May 2019, 17:35
» by teenieleek
Sunday mail,£100 crossword 1 beth 19th May 2019, 16:50
» by cerasus
Everyman 2 peadar 19th May 2019, 16:35
» by peadar
Sunday mail,£100 crossword 1 beth 19th May 2019, 16:33
» by cerasus
Everyman 3,788 25 brendan 19th May 2019, 15:58
» by elle
ST4851 9 anriard 19th May 2019, 15:36
» by anriard
i Cryptic 2582 3 diablos 19th May 2019, 14:43
» by cerasus
Guardian Prize 27,824 my last two 12 roof 19th May 2019, 14:13
» by phantom
Times jumbo cryptic 1382 6 janephilip 19th May 2019, 11:14
» by janephilip
Everyman 2 thomas 19th May 2019, 10:15
» by thomas
Times Cryptic 1382 6 grahamr 19th May 2019, 00:56
» by brendan
Sat Times 27,354 5 rogerjw 18th May 2019, 22:20
» by rusty
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