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The Week 1159 3 halifaxandrew 26th May 2019, 11:34
» by scorpiojo
Telegraph GK 12,785 3 piffleworthy 26th May 2019, 10:33
» by rusty
Sat Times 27360 8 strangelybrown 26th May 2019, 09:56
» by strangelybrown
ST4852 4 anriard 26th May 2019, 09:33
» by mamya
Wee Stinker 25th May 8 seamus, ayrshire 26th May 2019, 09:25
» by norrier
Times easy 1383 1 harry 26th May 2019, 08:43
» by rusty
i Crossword 2588 8 diablos 26th May 2019, 08:12
» by malone
HELP 4 maurie1939 26th May 2019, 07:58
» by maurie1939
OED related anecdote... 0 kt17 25th May 2019, 23:39
» by kt17
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 4 ollyblue 25th May 2019, 22:35
» by rusty
The Heriald Crossword 18th May,8d 3 j3parkin 25th May 2019, 21:55
» by j3parkin
Sons with a tree or flower in the title 3 susie 25th May 2019, 19:41
» by nexus
Melon 2 epsh42 25th May 2019, 19:01
» by epsh42
One left... 2 sloth 25th May 2019, 18:40
» by mattrom
Linkword 7 rays 25th May 2019, 15:12
» by rays
Jumbo Cryptic 1383 2 ericfromedinburgh 25th May 2019, 14:00
» by chrise
YP 1734 3 cooks07 25th May 2019, 12:49
» by cooks07
Listener 4556 8 gitto 25th May 2019, 12:09
» by s_pugh
PEER REVIEW 387 68 spike2 25th May 2019, 11:07
» by paul
Times 27359 5 philm 25th May 2019, 10:41
» by rusty
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