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Times 2 Jumbo 24 July - 32 down - anyone know answer? 2 sally 26th July 2010, 14:23
» by sally
weestinker 9 claudie 26th July 2010, 14:21
» by def
sealife 9 billie 26th July 2010, 14:18
» by leslie
881 cryptic 3 francis 26th July 2010, 13:57
» by francis
Wee stinker 1 marv 26th July 2010, 13:23
» by ixion
Wee stinker 5 tam 26th July 2010, 12:39
» by tam
Sunday Times Prize Crossword 12 mike 26th July 2010, 11:58
» by the joker
Sunday Mail Magazine 5 elaine 26th July 2010, 11:24
» by ladymary
Local Cryptic Crossword 4 colin (swansea jack) 26th July 2010, 11:23
» by colin (swansea jack)
ST4391 4 franny 26th July 2010, 11:06
» by franny
Times 2 jumbo 881 1 john e 26th July 2010, 10:53
» by silly boy
ST 4391 2 mike 26th July 2010, 09:50
» by mike
sat times 24.598 5 april 26th July 2010, 09:42
» by leslie
Times jumbo cryptic 881 47 down 2 goldie 26th July 2010, 09:35
» by goldie
Times2 jumbo non cryptic 8 down b-o-d 5letters 5 ann 26th July 2010, 09:33
» by ann
Guardian crossword 4 bharath 26th July 2010, 08:38
» by chrisg
Mephisto 2604 1a and 4d 1 mh 26th July 2010, 04:19
» by mh
Sunday life 2 ravel 25th July 2010, 23:20
» by ajt
everyman 3330 2 dianne 25th July 2010, 23:12
» by dianne
The Generalist 2 silly boy 25th July 2010, 21:35
» by silly boy
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