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Times 24664 two to go.. 3 smiffy 9th October 2010, 19:18
» by smiffy
Times today.. 2 brian 9th October 2010, 19:01
» by brian
times cryptic 24664 3 sallyw 9th October 2010, 18:45
» by sallyw
Times 24664 9 r 9th October 2010, 17:47
» by joe
Missing link word 4 carl 9th October 2010, 17:33
» by carl
Saturday's Daily Record 3 may 9th October 2010, 17:22
» by may
times2 jumbo 892 4 steve 9th October 2010, 17:15
» by steve
DT 26,367 4 mikey4444 9th October 2010, 16:50
» by mikey4444
Sat Times 24664 1 tir eoghain 9th October 2010, 16:15
» by sudokulover
Irish News 6 tir eoghain 9th October 2010, 16:05
» by ab
irish news help!! 13 anneb 9th October 2010, 15:16
» by ajt
times 2 jumbo 891 9 seany 9th October 2010, 14:17
» by twm
Times2 892 2 alison 9th October 2010, 14:12
» by alison
herald 7 sean 9th October 2010, 13:41
» by sean
Times Jumbo 892 1 jag 9th October 2010, 13:25
» by suki
da tel 26367 7 brian 9th October 2010, 12:44
» by suki
Sunday times 4401 25a 11 dina 9th October 2010, 12:21
» by dina
everyman 3340 6 sara 9th October 2010, 11:31
» by patrick draper
DT 26,367 9 george 9th October 2010, 11:21
» by suki
da tel 1 brian 9th October 2010, 11:16
» by chips
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