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25d 1 ld 10th October 2010, 16:55
» by sudokulover
Times Jumbo 892 1 raymond 10th October 2010, 16:44
» by sudokulover
4402 2 reacher 10th October 2010, 16:44
» by reacher
Mephisto 2615 8 jeannie 10th October 2010, 16:42
» by ld
ST 4402 4 soosisan 10th October 2010, 16:29
» by soosisan
everyman3341 4 j.b. 10th October 2010, 16:26
» by silly boy
Sunday Herald (Glasgow) 10/10 2 andyb 10th October 2010, 16:21
» by andyb
Times jumbo crossword 892 2 ivy 10th October 2010, 15:50
» by sudokulover
herald 3 sean 10th October 2010, 15:44
» by the joker
Sir Lancelot Sunday Mail 5 megan 10th October 2010, 15:40
» by megan
13 letter word for thrifty 2 alex 10th October 2010, 15:18
» by alex
Sunday Express Skeleton 13 julie 10th October 2010, 15:18
» by sudokulover
Times Jumbo 892 3 philip 10th October 2010, 15:14
» by philip
Sunday Mail 2 elaine 10th October 2010, 15:09
» by rl
YoU Mag. C/W No; 1199 4 rufina 10th October 2010, 14:56
» by crypto
Sunday Mail 1 elaine 10th October 2010, 14:43
» by rl
skeleton 1 dotty 10th October 2010, 14:31
» by sudokulover
RTE No. 41 7 cazzy 10th October 2010, 14:15
» by helbar
Times crossword 892 5 shahpur 10th October 2010, 13:06
» by helena
The Skeleton 3 james 10th October 2010, 12:54
» by alan
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