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Cryptic. 3 jake 26th October 2010, 19:28
» by jake
DR FUNDAY 7 killieboy 26th October 2010, 18:40
» by redford
Rte 43 6 mamie 26th October 2010, 18:30
» by mamie
d/r big one 3 chris 26th October 2010, 17:39
» by killieboy
jumbo 894 3 diane 26th October 2010, 16:39
» by diane
a briny problem 3 diane 26th October 2010, 16:30
» by diane
Jobs/Occupations 9 stuart g 26th October 2010, 16:15
» by stuaet g
Sunday Times 4404 1 stemet 26th October 2010, 16:13
» by chips
Sunday times 4404 2 stemet 26th October 2010, 15:47
» by stemet
DT 26,379 9 cowgirl 26th October 2010, 15:06
» by bob
Tues D.R. Funday Puzzler X Word 3 carolthescot 26th October 2010, 15:00
» by carolthescot
SHIP 8 jamy 26th October 2010, 14:22
» by emf
times cryptic 24678 2 sallyw 26th October 2010, 13:30
» by sallyw
pipes 8 raj 26th October 2010, 12:57
» by terry
times 2 894 2 mudddled 26th October 2010, 11:50
» by mudddled
Stuck 4 lol 26th October 2010, 11:49
» by emf
muddled up 3 bothered 894 26th October 2010, 11:46
» by hilary
Stinker 6 janet 26th October 2010, 11:36
» by ian
knobs 2 raj 26th October 2010, 11:25
» by raj
language 3 raj 26th October 2010, 11:20
» by raj
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