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RTE 44 7 tonta 29th October 2010, 18:27
» by trevor
What's My Line Quiz 11 mickydoo 29th October 2010, 17:12
» by terry
Last 2- Crusader Wednesday 29/10-thanks! 11 christopher 29th October 2010, 15:41
» by trevor
times cryptic 24681 6 sallyw 29th October 2010, 15:25
» by sallyw
Times 2 Jumbo 894 7 thickie 29th October 2010, 14:17
» by jill
The old lancashire 5 karen 29th October 2010, 14:16
» by trevor
Spectator 1988 19 rosie 29th October 2010, 10:59
» by ixion
On the Road 15 freddo 29th October 2010, 00:24
» by ixion
you are so clever terry 5 drey 28th October 2010, 23:20
» by terry
daily mail 1 redgate 28th October 2010, 20:34
» by terry
Daily Mail 28/10 1 malvena 28th October 2010, 19:34
» by terry
weather song 16 bigfoot 28th October 2010, 18:34
» by simone
times cryptic 24680 3 sallyw 28th October 2010, 18:32
» by terry
times cryptic 24680 2 sallyw 28th October 2010, 17:43
» by sallyws
Polymath 576 - Sending out 2 francis 28th October 2010, 16:41
» by francis
Get Branded 4 beesure 28th October 2010, 16:21
» by emf
4d Daily Mail 28th 4 sharpy 28th October 2010, 15:45
» by emf
Whats my line 4 ernie 28th October 2010, 14:59
» by emf
Anne Stibbs 3 declan 28th October 2010, 14:45
» by quizzo
Last clue! 3 chris 28th October 2010, 14:26
» by chris
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