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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Spectator 2417 6 cocobunny 24th July 2019, 11:11
» by cocobunny
i Cryptic 2639 4 diablos 24th July 2019, 10:58
» by diablos
Stuck on 5 cryptic clues which relate to Materials 11 grayling 24th July 2019, 09:23
» by grayling
Sunday Times 4860 2 bilbow 24th July 2019, 09:21
» by stevie gee
Crossword centre July 14 tonynannini 24th July 2019, 01:36
» by sunray
SAGA AUGUST 8 trelos1 23rd July 2019, 19:10
» by trelos1
Tls 1285 3 ruby7 23rd July 2019, 17:18
» by ruby7
i Cryptic 2638 11 diablos 23rd July 2019, 09:35
» by rusty
Fishing 2 kingfisher 22nd July 2019, 21:51
» by mattrom
ST 4860 1 shipwreck 22nd July 2019, 18:25
» by chrise
Times 27408 4 tigerinthezoo 22nd July 2019, 16:00
» by malone
i Cryptic 2637 12 diablos 22nd July 2019, 14:51
» by malone
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1392 8 sandorable 22nd July 2019, 10:26
» by rosalind
Everyman 8 ruby 22nd July 2019, 10:18
» by elle
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 21st July 2019, 21:59
» by malone
Everyman - do we really need 5 or more threads every week? 19 simond9x 21st July 2019, 21:03
» by malone
Times Puzzle Club today 4 nikki 21st July 2019, 16:19
» by nikki
Everyman 3797 3 catcharmer 21st July 2019, 15:14
» by catcharmer
Azed 2458 2 kirky 21st July 2019, 15:11
» by kirky
Everyman 2 mattie 21st July 2019, 15:00
» by mattie
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