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Topic Replies Started by Last post
YP1743 5 yorkie 27th July 2019, 11:04
» by malone
Friday alpha puzzle 6 landy 27th July 2019, 09:58
» by malone
i Cryptic 2641 13 diablos 27th July 2019, 09:33
» by malone
HELP 4 maurie1939 27th July 2019, 09:00
» by rusty
Spectator 2418 3 vinsculler 27th July 2019, 07:53
» by malone
i Cryptic 2642 9 diablos 27th July 2019, 06:37
» by rusty
star alpha 3 catwoman48 26th July 2019, 17:02
» by malone
For kt 1 aristophanes 26th July 2019, 12:48
» by kt17
Sydney Morning Herald 21,929 1 mattrom 26th July 2019, 12:02
» by ginge
PRIV EYE-656 9 hallgreening 26th July 2019, 11:49
» by malone
Skull or scull 2 andrew1953 25th July 2019, 23:59
» by rossim
Eye 656 4 telboy1999 25th July 2019, 21:50
» by malone
Everyman 3,797 17 brendan 25th July 2019, 19:28
» by rayj
Listener 4564 - may contain answers. 15 smithsax 25th July 2019, 13:39
» by phantom
CLUELESS 433 49 skyewalker 25th July 2019, 13:35
» by tyke51
Stuck for two hours on this - Please help - Eye 656 4 big al 25th July 2019, 13:23
» by big al
i Cryptic 2640 8 diablos 25th July 2019, 09:55
» by malone
star alpha 2 catwoman48 24th July 2019, 15:05
» by catwoman48
This clue made me smile... 2 kt17 24th July 2019, 14:14
» by cerasus
AZED 2,458 5 itsme 24th July 2019, 12:37
» by itsme
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