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Topic Replies Started by Last post
ST4411 1 cleo 13th December 2010, 03:02
» by bathtub
Movie Title Clue 2 moonpie 12th December 2010, 23:59
» by moonpie
RTE Guide No 50 6 beegee 12th December 2010, 23:35
» by eugene
DT 26,421 6ac Help/explanation 4 big tone 12th December 2010, 23:21
» by big tone
st 4411 4 jules b 12th December 2010, 23:13
» by jules b
seven days 1 killieboy 12th December 2010, 23:04
» by anne
it made me laugh 2 terry 12th December 2010, 22:54
» by trevor
MOS 1,208 3 daft bat 12th December 2010, 22:44
» by terry
times 901 2 rosie 12th December 2010, 22:40
» by rosie
Times Jumbo Cryptic 901 3 charlie 12th December 2010, 22:34
» by charlie
times 4411. 4 john 12th December 2010, 22:31
» by john
Times jumbo 11.i2 3 down c ? 1 sue 12th December 2010, 22:21
» by lucia
silly girl you ok? 3 tracey 12th December 2010, 22:05
» by terry
why is she silly girl if she's an oap? 0 tracey 12th December 2010, 22:01
» by tracey
DR Sat 11th 4 jimmy 12th December 2010, 21:57
» by ab
MOS 1.208 3 silly girl 12th December 2010, 21:56
» by trevor
Two clues 2 geert 12th December 2010, 21:39
» by geert
Film and Stage Musicals 10 lakegirl 12th December 2010, 21:30
» by terry
MOS 1,208 10 silly girl 12th December 2010, 21:24
» by tracey
SL cryptic 2 squire 12th December 2010, 21:23
» by squire
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