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not holly but ivy 14 esmeralda 13th December 2010, 14:19
» by esmeralda
Sat Times 24.718 (paper clues) 3 roger 13th December 2010, 14:05
» by anniec
AZED 2,011 6 peterm 13th December 2010, 14:00
» by ixion
Wee Stinker 3 neilly dunn 13th December 2010, 13:52
» by jim
daily mail 2 gareth 13th December 2010, 13:47
» by gareth
Wee Stinker 6 jaybee 13th December 2010, 13:46
» by jim
WEE STINKER 5 dunderheid 13th December 2010, 13:40
» by jim
wee stinker 3 dunderheid 13th December 2010, 13:38
» by dunderheid
Wee Stinker 3 jaybee 13th December 2010, 13:36
» by jaybee
The Times 5 sammy 13th December 2010, 13:29
» by sammy
puzzle time 6 kirsten 13th December 2010, 12:50
» by mark
The Week Clue of the Week 5 ken 13th December 2010, 12:18
» by ken
answers associated with Xmas 13 dairybox 13th December 2010, 11:36
» by julie
st 4411 4 francis 13th December 2010, 10:30
» by francis
FT Cryptic 2 oldham 13th December 2010, 10:03
» by oldham
ST 4411 5 reddogleader 13th December 2010, 09:44
» by reddogleader
Movie Title Clues 4 moonpie 13th December 2010, 09:24
» by silly boy
Movie Title Clue 1 moonpie 13th December 2010, 09:15
» by babs
songs books TV radio or films 6 danny 13th December 2010, 08:56
» by chrisg
catch 1 rams 13th December 2010, 08:42
» by chrisg
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