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Belfast Telegraph 2 barney 15th January 2011, 19:23
» by ab
7 down ...flows 1 times 907 15th January 2011, 19:13
» by ab
DT26,450 2d 2 jumbo 15th January 2011, 19:08
» by jumbo
gk dt 1 gilly 15th January 2011, 18:53
» by ab
Times Jumbo 907 46down 3 gwen 15th January 2011, 18:03
» by gwen
DT 26,450 6a and 7d 4 ash 15th January 2011, 17:59
» by ash
times jumbo 907 19dn 2 deaksie 15th January 2011, 17:52
» by deaksie
Times2 907 6 lan 15th January 2011, 17:51
» by deaksie
Herald GK Xword - last one 3 jaybee 15th January 2011, 17:50
» by jaybee
Sat Time Jumbo 907 2 graham 15th January 2011, 17:29
» by silly boy
(1d) Girl climbed frames close to gladioli. (5) 1 hallgreen2 15th January 2011, 16:40
» by chald
Sorry if it already on 2 ann 15th January 2011, 16:29
» by big dave
Local crossword competition 1 ann 15th January 2011, 16:14
» by crypto
times jumbo cryptic 907 1 sue jones 15th January 2011, 16:13
» by suki
Sat Tel 26,450 16D and 23 A 6 geoffmarbella 15th January 2011, 16:13
» by astra10
Y. Post 4 minnie 15th January 2011, 16:07
» by zorro
Times2 clues No 907 (today\0 3 gigi 15th January 2011, 15:44
» by gigi
times saturday crossword 24,747 2 hallgreen2 15th January 2011, 15:33
» by ab
local rag 4 noddy 15th January 2011, 15:33
» by ajt
Times Cryptic 24747 2 baffled 15th January 2011, 15:17
» by baffled
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