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Topic Replies Started by Last post
absolutely last one 1 ibby 16th January 2011, 10:46
» by chald
Times cryptic 907 2 hattie 16th January 2011, 10:13
» by hattie
The Skeleton! 3 alan 16th January 2011, 09:52
» by alan
d.mail sat 17 emf 16th January 2011, 09:45
» by emf
Rainbow Quiz 20 lizzieanne 16th January 2011, 09:33
» by haeremai18
Times 907 - 19d 3 shahpur 16th January 2011, 09:12
» by shahpur
Guardian 25,220 2 monkey puzzle 16th January 2011, 08:14
» by monkey puzzle
Private Eye 434 - Help! 4 big al 16th January 2011, 07:16
» by trevor
GET YOUR OWN SITE 2 tracey 16th January 2011, 04:18
» by trevor
A word I cant think of! It's not a crossword! 4 phil 16th January 2011, 01:16
» by phil
Daily Record Sat xword 6 gran 16th January 2011, 01:04
» by les40
cryptic help please 10 tracey 16th January 2011, 00:47
» by b
holiday crossword 75 The stinker 2 thelma field 15th January 2011, 23:28
» by tessa
S Times 24747 3 anne 15th January 2011, 23:24
» by anne
Tele Cryptic 4 nina 15th January 2011, 23:20
» by nina
SAT Times 24747 4 tir eoghain 15th January 2011, 23:04
» by tir eoghain
Times Jumbo 907 Cryptic 3 bluemoon2 15th January 2011, 22:59
» by bluemoon2
Independent 7566 5 bill 15th January 2011, 22:50
» by bill
times24747. 3 ron 15th January 2011, 22:29
» by ron
Last word needed to complete 8 louise 15th January 2011, 22:20
» by todd
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