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tls 860 27 across 2 rony 18th January 2011, 18:56
» by rony 13 baffled 18th January 2011, 17:59
» by baffled
Crusader18/01/11 6 christopher 18th January 2011, 17:49
» by christopher
wordfinder solution to radio times crossword 4 2 robert551069 18th January 2011, 17:28
» by robert551069
_I__E 5 letters SEAFARING CROSSWORD 1 carol 18th January 2011, 17:21
» by crypto
name of a bird from a cryptic clue 4 frankysab 18th January 2011, 17:03
» by crypto
Oldie genius crossword 9 john 18th January 2011, 16:20
» by john 4 sean 18th January 2011, 15:05
» by sean
Enigmatic Variations 950 5 mistley 18th January 2011, 15:02
» by laura
D Mail 13890 5 alexandra 18th January 2011, 14:28
» by alexandra
Daily record 15/01/11 2 daisy 18th January 2011, 14:11
» by daisy
Dialy Record Sat 2 tommy 18th January 2011, 13:15
» by tommy
Spectator 1997 35 sudokulover 18th January 2011, 11:13
» by mazie
sunday buisness post xword 1 ali 18th January 2011, 11:01
» by terry
Sat Times 24747 10 gharbij ihn 18th January 2011, 10:45
» by terry
Message for Wendy 1 les40 18th January 2011, 10:17
» by wendy
Local quizz 3 jeff 18th January 2011, 10:07
» by jeff
crossword 4 sammi 17th January 2011, 22:06
» by sammi
jumbo cryptic 907 1 oscar 17th January 2011, 21:46
» by chips
Daily Mail 6 megan 17th January 2011, 21:46
» by megan
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