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Datly Rec 15th 3 anna 19th January 2011, 13:22
» by steve
Times Cryptic 24750 2 ernie 19th January 2011, 12:34
» by ernie
YP CRYPTIC 1 paul 19th January 2011, 12:01
» by chelle7272
DR Sat 15/1 2 joe 90 19th January 2011, 10:43
» by joe 90
Sundat Times 4416 11 gg 19th January 2011, 09:56
» by wezzo
Local cryptic 2 tonta 19th January 2011, 09:36
» by tonta
Mephisto 2629 4 rigby 19th January 2011, 06:21
» by rigby
YEP 4 dave 18th January 2011, 23:03
» by ab
Last ones 1 kelly 18th January 2011, 22:54
» by crypto
Last ones 1 kelly 18th January 2011, 22:46
» by crypto
Evening post 2 kelly 18th January 2011, 22:37
» by crypto
message for trey 5 terry 18th January 2011, 22:36
» by andy
cryptic help please 3 trey 18th January 2011, 21:44
» by trevor
double checking 1 frankysab 18th January 2011, 21:37
» by elephant
Tues x-word 5 caz 18th January 2011, 21:14
» by caz
trout and salmon 5 annie 18th January 2011, 20:30
» by terry
times 2 907 - 12 down 2 t.t. 18th January 2011, 20:15
» by t.t.
Daily Mail 3 megan 18th January 2011, 20:05
» by megan
name of a bird 4 frankysab 18th January 2011, 20:03
» by terry
herald 3 sean 18th January 2011, 19:08
» by sean
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