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Time Jumbo 908 3 sheila 23rd January 2011, 12:00
» by sheila
strange word 3 geoff 23rd January 2011, 11:50
» by geoff
works mag 2 tigger 23rd January 2011, 11:49
» by tigger
the mail prize crossword. 2 gareth 23rd January 2011, 11:34
» by gareth
mephisto 2630 3 aceface 23rd January 2011, 11:33
» by aceface
Lancelot Mail on Sunday 2 jimbo 23rd January 2011, 11:32
» by jimbo
Sir Lancelot 3 jazz 23rd January 2011, 11:16
» by jazz
need help . 4 yomper1 23rd January 2011, 10:34
» by eric
DT 26456 4 jc 23rd January 2011, 10:20
» by jc
guardian 25226 1 mjp 23rd January 2011, 10:13
» by mjp
D.R Big xword - Sat 2 gran 23rd January 2011, 10:00
» by gran
Sat Times 908 7 shahpur 23rd January 2011, 09:31
» by shahpur
Times24753 15dn 2 theambler 23rd January 2011, 07:11
» by dot
A clue from Rufus leaving me clueless 7 kookaburra 23rd January 2011, 06:54
» by kookaburra
Polymath 589 2 oldham 23rd January 2011, 04:53
» by oldham
urgent message for Les40 5 terry 23rd January 2011, 03:12
» by mamya
Cryptic 127 7 whyr 23rd January 2011, 01:05
» by whyr
DR sat x-word 2 caz 22nd January 2011, 23:46
» by caz
times. 24.753. 2 pat 22nd January 2011, 23:42
» by pat
times.24.753 4 john 22nd January 2011, 23:02
» by john
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