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MOS 1214 4 ruby 23rd January 2011, 21:57
» by doreen
SAT DAILY RECORD 2 ronnie 23rd January 2011, 21:25
» by ronnie
Saturday prize 3 laurag 23rd January 2011, 21:20
» by trevor
DT 26,456 2 monkey puzzle 23rd January 2011, 21:19
» by monkey puzzle
Sunday World crossword 23rd January 5 bernie 23rd January 2011, 21:14
» by bernie
Cryptic 2 kelly 23rd January 2011, 21:06
» by ab
Last couple 2 dave 23rd January 2011, 20:58
» by ixion
EP Last ones 4 kelly 23rd January 2011, 20:49
» by kelly
The Week 732 6 dorothy 23rd January 2011, 20:40
» by dorothy
Times 2 Jumbo 908 1 fortlady 23rd January 2011, 20:36
» by peterm
Evening Post 3 dave 23rd January 2011, 20:33
» by ixion
Azed 2017 3 rosie 23rd January 2011, 20:22
» by rosie
Irish daily star - Chic 6 toastcake 23rd January 2011, 20:06
» by toastcake
Holiday with a theme- place names 2 nightingale 23rd January 2011, 20:04
» by terry
7 Days Magazine 1 kaz 23rd January 2011, 20:04
» by the joker
cryptic 908 22across 2 theambler 23rd January 2011, 20:02
» by theambler
DT Saturday Cryptic 26,456 8 robbo 23rd January 2011, 19:44
» by gordonbennet
sunday mail seven days 1 jean 23rd January 2011, 19:41
» by terry
Daily Record 4 carlos tigro 23rd January 2011, 19:25
» by terry
Times Crosswords 4 lou 23rd January 2011, 19:05
» by lou
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