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Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 5 pooksahib 5th February 2011, 06:57
» by ajt
Times Cryptic 24764 5 rene & james 5th February 2011, 00:20
» by rene & james
Two word answer (6 & 3) 6 sid 4th February 2011, 23:49
» by sid
One word answer (10) 8 sid 4th February 2011, 23:44
» by sid
SAGA 4 susiedoo 4th February 2011, 22:06
» by susiedoo
cryptic clue problems 6 david 4th February 2011, 20:54
» by trevor
DT 04.02.11 4 calip 4th February 2011, 20:46
» by trevor
daily mail 7 annie 4th February 2011, 20:00
» by annie
times cryptic 24764 6 sallyw 4th February 2011, 19:55
» by sallyw
daily express cryptic 2 blackcat 4th February 2011, 19:52
» by blackcat
words 3 quizmad 4th February 2011, 19:51
» by i've got tea and i'm gonna use it
Daily Mail cryptic 4 gareth 4th February 2011, 18:48
» by josh mills
country crossword,cryptic and GK 3 tonyw 4th February 2011, 17:36
» by tonyw
times cryptic 24764 2 sallyw 4th February 2011, 16:50
» by sallyw
rte guide crossword no.6 3 doyler 80 4th February 2011, 16:39
» by doyler80
times cryptic 24764 6 sallyw 4th February 2011, 16:21
» by terry
ST4418 Wordplay Unknown 2 les40 4th February 2011, 16:08
» by les40
Stuck!!! 1 ken 4th February 2011, 14:32
» by terry
clothing 1 susie 4th February 2011, 14:27
» by jazz
Anagrams? 3 joe 4th February 2011, 14:03
» by bella
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