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Cryptic help please 3 imagcq 5th February 2011, 19:30
» by imagcq
animals and their collective 3 cherub19 5th February 2011, 19:16
» by cherub19
Star Jumbo 2 babs 5th February 2011, 18:45
» by babs
dr,£500 xwordc 2 betty 5th February 2011, 18:44
» by betty
d mail sat 6 emf 5th February 2011, 18:25
» by emf
Independent 5th Feb 13 morven 5th February 2011, 18:25
» by trevor
words 5 quizmad 5th February 2011, 18:20
» by siamcat
Things to wear 15 ulla 5th February 2011, 18:06
» by ulla
Times Jumbo 910 14 georgew 5th February 2011, 17:58
» by trevor
DT26468 5 al 5th February 2011, 17:47
» by al
Times24765- must be one left! 3 smiffy 5th February 2011, 17:26
» by smiffy
DT 26,468 22dn, 24dn, 28ac 8 gordonbennet 5th February 2011, 17:24
» by broughton
things down on the farm 26 bigfoot 5th February 2011, 16:44
» by nightingale
Sat Times2 Jumbo 910 3 sheila 5th February 2011, 16:40
» by machloop
daily record 5 linda 5th February 2011, 16:27
» by linda
Daily Record £500 2 may 5th February 2011, 16:04
» by may
The Week 734 9 dandelion 5th February 2011, 16:04
» by ruth
GK quick crossword Telegraph 4 tabbycat 5th February 2011, 15:49
» by chrisg
Guardian 25238 29 liz 5th February 2011, 15:30
» by oak
EP Cryptic - Last one 3 kelly 5th February 2011, 15:20
» by helena
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