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Crytic 132 5 barbara 27th February 2011, 04:29
» by barbara
i have just e-mailed ash 18 neil 27th February 2011, 01:50
» by pastille
finished 25 mamya 27th February 2011, 01:28
» by pastille
Trolling 6 tonyw 27th February 2011, 01:25
» by pastille
Cryptic 5 ixion 27th February 2011, 00:28
» by ixion
Why oh Why? times cryptic jumbo 913 7 telecaster 27th February 2011, 00:27
» by tonyw
no wonder trevor went 0 scousemark 26th February 2011, 23:50
» by scousemark
terry talk please 1 d 26th February 2011, 23:27
» by terry
pestering ash now 2 x 26th February 2011, 23:20
» by c
he'll be pi..ed of in an hour 0 b 26th February 2011, 23:17
» by b
Times 24783 7 pat 26th February 2011, 23:15
» by tonyw
noone talking to me? 0 s 26th February 2011, 23:12
» by s
easy sorry 0 d 26th February 2011, 23:04
» by d
i'm sorry i'm bored and it's evsy 1 o 26th February 2011, 23:03
» by n
will you ever know who is real? 0 d 26th February 2011, 22:59
» by d
yes it was me 0 ? 26th February 2011, 22:58
» by ?
Clue for You 2 15 jimc 26th February 2011, 22:54
» by terry
TIMES .24.783. 4 kim 26th February 2011, 22:49
» by kim
herald 7 sean 26th February 2011, 22:44
» by the joker
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 7 claire 26th February 2011, 22:34
» by claire
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