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everyman 3361 6 pedro 27th February 2011, 12:14
» by pedro
Australian ST 725 7 bubblingday 27th February 2011, 11:48
» by bubblingday
Times Jumbo Cryptic 913 3 maxine 27th February 2011, 11:37
» by jt
sunday mail 2 mags 27th February 2011, 10:58
» by mags
Mephisto 2 rosie 27th February 2011, 10:57
» by rosie
Tines Jumbo 913 (GK) 3 merrily 27th February 2011, 10:54
» by merrily
51 ac.refuelling tanker? 1 carly 27th February 2011, 10:39
» by mamya
times jumbo 913 2 amanda wilson 27th February 2011, 10:25
» by amanda wilson
I paper Sat, 26th 6 willy 27th February 2011, 10:21
» by willy
25A today's i 4 davyp1963 27th February 2011, 09:50
» by ek
Sun Times 4422 4 anne 27th February 2011, 09:49
» by anne
D. Tel. £500 2 jimbo 27th February 2011, 09:46
» by jimbo
Daily record 37a & 58d 2 jackie 27th February 2011, 09:21
» by jackie
Irish News 3 anne 27th February 2011, 09:17
» by wendy
Daily Record sat 26 feb 2 sandra 27th February 2011, 09:07
» by zelda
Sunday Times 4422 4 susanp 27th February 2011, 09:06
» by caravaggio
Sunday Times 4422 1 tommyt 27th February 2011, 08:49
» by rosie
times2 jumbo 913 1 ann 27th February 2011, 08:48
» by kate
ST Cryptic 4422 2 jaxinnz 27th February 2011, 08:10
» by jaxinnz
19th century London 4 dogs have owners 27th February 2011, 06:45
» by emf
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