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wee stinker 7 kendo 21st March 2011, 14:55
» by pipesmoker
sunday business post 20 March 2 ar charraig 21st March 2011, 14:11
» by chald
17 across 20 March 2011 1 ar charraig 21st March 2011, 14:08
» by paul
sat times 24801 3 paul (the other one) 21st March 2011, 13:50
» by paul (the other one)
herculis 4 joe 90 21st March 2011, 13:21
» by ajt
ST Clue Writing Contest 1334 4 the ink monitor 21st March 2011, 13:04
» by the ink monitor
wee stinker 2 flummoxed 21st March 2011, 12:04
» by flummoxed
sunday life cryptic crossword 6 lexy law 21st March 2011, 11:52
» by rl
answers begin with R H 1 ejay 21st March 2011, 11:26
» by chald
Wee stinker 2 emhsx 21st March 2011, 11:18
» by emhsx
works mag 2 zoe 21st March 2011, 11:17
» by zoe
Y.Post 3 zammo 21st March 2011, 11:11
» by tonyw
Local cryptic. 1 zed 21st March 2011, 10:35
» by zed
St 4425 9 jules b 21st March 2011, 10:32
» by ajt
Times Jumbo 916 cryptic 3 jimbo99 21st March 2011, 09:58
» by jimbo99
You magazine crossword 1222 2 dot 21st March 2011, 09:56
» by dot
Wee Stinker 2 dunderheid 21st March 2011, 09:51
» by dunderheid
Saturday Daily Telegraph Xword 25504 8 Down 2 leo 21st March 2011, 01:23
» by leo
DT 26,504 10ac 3 tony 21st March 2011, 01:06
» by c
trolls 4 sallyw 21st March 2011, 00:37
» by sallyw
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