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Sat Tel.26,534 2 baldy 23rd April 2011, 18:07
» by baldy
RTE Guide crossword 6 kate 23rd April 2011, 18:04
» by kate
Sat DT 26,534 - last two! 6 royal windsor 23rd April 2011, 18:03
» by royal windsor
The Herald (Glasgow) 23/4 3 acb312 23rd April 2011, 17:41
» by acb312
Times 2 Jumbo 921 5 angie 23rd April 2011, 17:40
» by archie
Herald (Glasgow) 23/4 2 acb312 23rd April 2011, 17:29
» by acb312
Herald GK 340 3 ila 23rd April 2011, 17:03
» by pipesmoker
spectator crossword 2011 2 hallgreen2 23rd April 2011, 16:41
» by hallgreen2
pull the communication cord 8 bridie 23rd April 2011, 16:35
» by maggy
help 5 maggie 23rd April 2011, 16:29
» by chav
Independentm7650 3 chayne 23rd April 2011, 16:16
» by chayne
dr £500 x word 2 beth 23rd April 2011, 16:02
» by liz
spectator crossword 2011 2 hallgreen2 23rd April 2011, 16:01
» by the judge
times jumbo cryptic 921 2 sallyw 23rd April 2011, 15:54
» by sallyw
Cryptic clue for trees & fabrics 9 bigfoot 23rd April 2011, 15:17
» by bigfoot
DR £500 prize crossword 3 cheanie 23rd April 2011, 15:11
» by cheanie
Indie on Saturday 3 indie 23rd April 2011, 15:03
» by indie
times 2 jumbo 921 2 harry 23rd April 2011, 15:02
» by harry
BEP local prize crossword 2 an 23rd April 2011, 14:06
» by ann
times2 no 921 - 23 April 2 hilary 23rd April 2011, 13:46
» by hilary
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