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Independent on Sun,Beelzebub 3 billy 24th April 2011, 13:52
» by tony
Beelzebub 1105 2 tone 24th April 2011, 13:38
» by tone
sunday times 4430 2 sallyw 24th April 2011, 13:32
» by sallyw
pick me up mag 2 lolly 24th April 2011, 13:21
» by francis
Lovatts Mega 69 - Aussie issue 2 qwerty55 24th April 2011, 13:09
» by qwerty55
Mephisto 2643 5 tony 24th April 2011, 13:05
» by mh
DT26,534 10a. is the answer Christian? 2 chrissie 24th April 2011, 12:53
» by chrissie
sunday post 2 babs 24th April 2011, 12:49
» by babs
Sevendays 3 eilidhbeth 24th April 2011, 12:34
» by eilidhbeth
Times 2 Jumbo 2 ginger 24th April 2011, 12:27
» by ginger
sunday mail seven days 3 cheanie 24th April 2011, 12:20
» by cheanie
cox and kings 6 bunny 24th April 2011, 12:19
» by bunny
mephisto 1 film fan 24th April 2011, 11:58
» by film fan
Mephisto 2643 3 joanmm 24th April 2011, 10:41
» by joanmm
Times Club Monthly 20127, 25 Across 2 dick k 24th April 2011, 10:34
» by dick k
MoS bare bones 0 mitch 24th April 2011, 10:07
» by mitch
Times2 921 2 simon 24th April 2011, 09:47
» by simon
DT 246,53 7 jocelyn 24th April 2011, 09:38
» by big dave
19 Down 2 i cryptic 63 24th April 2011, 09:30
» by i cryptic 63
Times jumbo 912 cryptic 3 emma 24th April 2011, 08:58
» by emma
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