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alphapuzzle friday 2 manudave 18th October 2019, 12:21
» by manudave
ST 4872 - please help parse! 5 kitabu 18th October 2019, 11:57
» by malone
i Cryptic 2713 5 diablos 18th October 2019, 09:42
» by diablos
Eye 662 5 pepsi1000 18th October 2019, 06:45
» by rusty
Spectator 2429 5 novice 17th October 2019, 22:09
» by malone
i Cryptic 2712 6 diablos 17th October 2019, 09:36
» by rusty
CLUELESS 445 51 mattrom 17th October 2019, 08:48
» by tatters
Anagrammer 4 icauser44 17th October 2019, 08:42
» by icauser44
Eye 662 2 loubyloo10 16th October 2019, 18:54
» by malone
mercury crossword 4 catanese 16th October 2019, 18:52
» by elle
BIRDS TO BE SEEN IN BRITAIN QUIZ 2 annie 16th October 2019, 17:48
» by cerasus
RT 43 - irritating clue! 5 chrise 16th October 2019, 16:12
» by chrise
alphapuzzle wed 3 manudave 16th October 2019, 12:46
» by rusty
Jumbo Cryptic 1403 5 despard 16th October 2019, 12:34
» by rusty
i Cryptic 2711 11 diablos 16th October 2019, 10:40
» by rusty
Changaword 4 icauser44 15th October 2019, 19:19
» by icauser44
EV 1404 31 bunty 15th October 2019, 18:14
» by alwayspuzzled
i Cryptic 2710 13 diablos 15th October 2019, 18:03
» by malone
Times no. 27480, 26ac. 4 j3parkin 15th October 2019, 15:54
» by brendan
Alphapuzzle Tuesday 3 shakey 15th October 2019, 13:38
» by shakey
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