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Topic Replies Started by Last post
i Cryptic 2723 6 diablos 30th October 2019, 15:49
» by elle
Alphapuzzle Wednesday 1 shakey 30th October 2019, 11:55
» by shakey
i2722 4 simmo 30th October 2019, 09:34
» by simmo
Mail Tuesday 10 strangelybrown 29th October 2019, 19:59
» by rusty
AZED 2472 13 farr 29th October 2019, 19:54
» by itsme
Times cryptic Jumbo 1407 14 dandhh 29th October 2019, 16:54
» by malone
i Cryptic 2722 8 diablos 29th October 2019, 11:27
» by mamya
Everyman 3811 23 richardk 28th October 2019, 16:36
» by fop
@andyc 1 chrise 28th October 2019, 16:28
» by andyc
i Cryptic 2721 11 diablos 28th October 2019, 14:05
» by malone
Capital 5 epsh42 28th October 2019, 13:41
» by deepwater
alphapuzzle monday 3 manudave 28th October 2019, 12:41
» by elle
Mirror 3 trent18 28th October 2019, 12:32
» by rusty
Anagram 3 icauser44 27th October 2019, 22:00
» by icauser44
ST 4874 6 shipwreck 27th October 2019, 21:40
» by shipwreck
SP 4 cantdo 27th October 2019, 21:39
» by brendan
Guardian Prize 27,962 38 brendan 27th October 2019, 21:38
» by brendan
Sunday Herald prize crossword 27/10 6 andyb 27th October 2019, 20:16
» by andyb
EV 1406 1 dobbo 27th October 2019, 18:21
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1407 cryptic 23 bigdave1954 27th October 2019, 18:05
» by strangelybrown
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