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food and cooking 2 quizmad 19th July 2011, 10:52
» by aux one
Prize X word M.o.S. Last one,AGAIN!! 1 dukey 19th July 2011, 10:51
» by ajt
Jumbo cryptic 934 3 gaperon 19th July 2011, 09:39
» by bellandme
Crusader-help with 3 please 3 gina 19th July 2011, 09:01
» by gina
Mephisto 2655 3 john 19th July 2011, 01:17
» by john
times cryptic 934 1 dotty vot 19th July 2011, 00:52
» by paul
times cryptic 934 and political sensitivity 7 paul 19th July 2011, 00:20
» by terry as was
Daily Record £500 Prize Crossword 11 petronella 19th July 2011, 00:08
» by trevor
rte guide crossword 10 sammi 18th July 2011, 22:49
» by sammi
Types of buildings 20 julianne 18th July 2011, 22:47
» by amelia
Daily Mail 11 crypticvirgin 18th July 2011, 22:34
» by samak
FT 13,748 15 bunty 18th July 2011, 22:12
» by richardc
TV Programme Quiz 3 elephant 18th July 2011, 21:27
» by elephant
Famous People 26 polly dee 18th July 2011, 21:11
» by bernie
Stuck on one more 6 smb 18th July 2011, 21:08
» by trevor
Wee Stinker 18/7 4 andyb 18th July 2011, 20:59
» by andyb
Why!! 11 alane 18th July 2011, 20:25
» by trevor
food 5 violin 18th July 2011, 20:03
» by davec
NEVER HEARD OF THIS? 1 davide 18th July 2011, 19:41
» by tonyw
Local paper cryptic 4 smb 18th July 2011, 19:40
» by tonyw
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