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Topic Replies Started by Last post
cryptic 934 22 susan 21st July 2011, 07:49
» by carmentois
PHILISTINE in The Guardian 2 wendy 20th July 2011, 23:30
» by bullfrog
All about her quiz 2 bettyboo 20th July 2011, 22:45
» by bettyboo
iamme 0 pastille 20th July 2011, 22:23
» by pastille
Tues Daily Record 2 millie 20th July 2011, 21:05
» by millie
making one's way laboriously 4 shepherd 20th July 2011, 20:17
» by pastille
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 4 pooksahib 20th July 2011, 20:03
» by pooksahib
one more if I may 3 cana-da 20th July 2011, 18:02
» by cana-da
struggling 6 cana-da 20th July 2011, 18:01
» by cana-da
famous people 9 susie 20th July 2011, 17:50
» by susie
Azed 2042 16 one down 20th July 2011, 17:09
» by sudokulover
Daily Mail - one last one 3 crypticvirgin 20th July 2011, 17:08
» by crypticvirgin
RTE Guide No 30 4 kate 20th July 2011, 16:49
» by kate
DM WED 12 smb 20th July 2011, 15:52
» by andyc
RTE Guide 2 tonta 20th July 2011, 14:45
» by tonta
DM Pitcherwits today 3 richard 20th July 2011, 13:26
» by richard
Daily Mail Tuesday. 2 jacko 20th July 2011, 12:00
» by jacko
Dr Big One Tues 19th 4 joygeo 20th July 2011, 11:56
» by kathy
times cryptic 934 4 nytram 20th July 2011, 11:49
» by nytram
Times 24906 2 tiresias 20th July 2011, 11:33
» by tiresias
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