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"ELEVEN" - but why? (Metro 13/12/19- 13A) 1 merlin3189 11th December 2019, 16:12
» by malone
times 2 jumbo easy 1413 1 cornishmaid 11th December 2019, 14:30
» by chrise
Local cryptic 6 trent18 11th December 2019, 10:59
» by trent18
i Cryptic 2759 6 diablos 11th December 2019, 09:46
» by diablos
daily record, funday tues 10th dec 10 annilee11 10th December 2019, 23:07
» by rusty
AZED No. 2,478 6 itsme 10th December 2019, 16:49
» by itsme
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1413 3 alland 10th December 2019, 16:43
» by alland
River 1 kingfisher 10th December 2019, 14:10
» by geevo41
13 down 5 iblack 10th December 2019, 13:16
» by chrise
Spectator 2437 3 quiz 10th December 2019, 11:34
» by chips
alphapuzzle tues 2 manudave 10th December 2019, 11:29
» by manudave
Anagrammer 3 icauser44 10th December 2019, 10:33
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2758 6 diablos 10th December 2019, 10:21
» by chrise
Fishing 0 kingfisher 10th December 2019, 09:21
» by kingfisher
Spotting cryptic indicator words... 10 joe46 10th December 2019, 01:40
» by joe46
Charity quiz 6 mildred 9th December 2019, 23:10
» by mildred
What do numbers in clues mean? 3 bbsberg 9th December 2019, 22:57
» by sunray
Fishing 0 kingfisher 9th December 2019, 20:39
» by kingfisher
Fishing 1 kingfisher 9th December 2019, 20:38
» by rusty
Crossword Clue 0 icauser44 9th December 2019, 20:28
» by icauser44
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