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Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 4 ollyblue 15th December 2019, 21:59
» by rusty
PUP - Pedants United Poetry 15 malone 15th December 2019, 19:42
» by jigjag
AZED 2479 3 dobbo 15th December 2019, 19:22
» by malone
Spectator 2438 15 itsme 15th December 2019, 19:18
» by malone
Inquisitor 1625 5 bobbycollins 15th December 2019, 19:12
» by token
Listener 4582 61 malone 15th December 2019, 17:12
» by essay
Last three 2 johnpuzzle 15th December 2019, 17:12
» by cerasus
Seasons greetings XI 4 patch49 15th December 2019, 16:06
» by patch49
Everyman 3,818 15 brendan 15th December 2019, 15:34
» by clarkgwent
Guardian Prize 28,004 20 brendan 15th December 2019, 14:43
» by mathi
alphapuzzle sunday 3 manudave 15th December 2019, 13:45
» by malone
Christmassy answers 21 elephant 15th December 2019, 11:18
» by cerasus
Cryptic 2 epsh42 15th December 2019, 11:18
» by malone
Times number 275,534: 14 across 2 rogerjw 15th December 2019, 00:37
» by rogerjw
cryptic clue 2 woodhams 14th December 2019, 23:13
» by annobrain
TIMES JUMBO 1414 4 gooner 14th December 2019, 19:04
» by rusty
Listener 4584 46 gitto 14th December 2019, 17:43
» by smellyharry
TLS 1305 3 kirky 14th December 2019, 15:02
» by kirky
YP1763 4 cooks07 14th December 2019, 13:27
» by rusty
sT 29234 3 pollyanna 14th December 2019, 13:20
» by rusty
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