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Times jumbo crptic 1456 30 andy58 1st September 2020, 16:55
» by malone
PEER REVIEW 452 79 mattrom 1st September 2020, 13:48
» by rossim
Wee Stinker 2 keppel 31st August 2020, 20:32
» by keppel
CCCWC clue writing competition 3 jono 31st August 2020, 18:14
» by malone
ST 4918 4 shipwreck 31st August 2020, 16:01
» by shipwreck
WEEKEND PEER REVIEW 43 62 chrise 31st August 2020, 15:53
» by paul
Missing link 2 washford2005 31st August 2020, 13:47
» by washford2005
Inquisitor 1662 7 jogamel 31st August 2020, 09:09
» by lumen
Spectator 2472 2 cocobunny 31st August 2020, 04:19
» by cocobunny
Everyman 3,855 41 brendan 30th August 2020, 23:24
» by petercarlington
Skeleton 12d 2 janifred 30th August 2020, 23:07
» by janifred
Sunday Express Skeleton 30 August 2 myla 30th August 2020, 18:58
» by myla
EV 1450 4 xwordfan 30th August 2020, 17:32
» by drxx
IQ 1662 22 kirky 30th August 2020, 12:11
» by malone
alphapuzzle sat 2 manudave 30th August 2020, 11:59
» by manudave
THE CAFE - OBSOLETE, SEE COFFEE AND CAKE CHAT THREAD 2022 87 norah (admin) 30th August 2020, 10:54
» by jono
9a 1 cosmo123 30th August 2020, 08:54
» by jono
Saturday Times 27756 3 bassett 29th August 2020, 16:31
» by bassett
The Pensioner 3 epsh42 29th August 2020, 13:50
» by epsh42
YP1800 2 linton 29th August 2020, 09:57
» by linton
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