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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Linkword 4 rays 6th September 2020, 16:50
» by rays
Sunday Times Cryptic 4919 5 kenhiggs 6th September 2020, 15:38
» by malone
Inquisitor 1663 29 tonynannini 6th September 2020, 14:48
» by brendan
Mattrom 1 brendan 6th September 2020, 02:40
» by mattrom
YP1801 4 linton 5th September 2020, 23:37
» by rusty
Times Cryptic 1 malago 5th September 2020, 22:21
» by mattrom
LISTENER 4622 80 tatters 5th September 2020, 18:42
» by mooncow
Guardian Prize 28,225 66 jafo 5th September 2020, 16:27
» by leonine
Guardian 3 gillysgaff 5th September 2020, 14:27
» by gillysgaff
PEER REVIEW 453 94 rossim 5th September 2020, 11:14
» by fieryjack
Scotsman cryptic 5 tomshieboy 4th September 2020, 17:11
» by chrise
Premier Puzzles 2 epsh42 4th September 2020, 16:43
» by epsh42
CLUELESS 490 63 aristophanes 4th September 2020, 02:21
» by paul
genius 206 50 prospero 3rd September 2020, 20:12
» by phantom
Life & Style 1605 3 linton 3rd September 2020, 08:23
» by rossim
Charity quiz 2 mildred 2nd September 2020, 19:48
» by mildred
Crossword Centre Puzzle August 7 bunty 2nd September 2020, 17:23
» by malone
alphapuzzle wed 3 manudave 2nd September 2020, 13:56
» by rusty
Spectator 2472: All-inclusive 2 itsme 1st September 2020, 22:09
» by itsme
Telegraph£500 3 gillysgaff 1st September 2020, 19:55
» by rossim
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