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ST 4944 5 shipwreck 1st March 2021, 11:25
» by steve
IQ 1688 29 brendan 1st March 2021, 10:36
» by teenieleek
Sunday Express Skeleton 28 February 3 myla 28th February 2021, 18:48
» by tyke51
Answers are capital cities 11 mildred 28th February 2021, 17:55
» by mildred
LISTENER 4648 19 tatters 28th February 2021, 17:37
» by candledave
DMS 6 February 2 sarumite 28th February 2021, 13:15
» by sarumite
Local crossword 2 brahan 27th February 2021, 20:07
» by brahan
Guardian Prize - slight spoiler 9 chrise 27th February 2021, 19:56
» by smot
EV 1475 9 krauton 27th February 2021, 19:35
» by loge
alphapuzzle sat 3 manudave 27th February 2021, 13:38
» by rusty
PEER REVIEW 477 81 paulhabershon 27th February 2021, 10:43
» by jws
Times cryptic 21.15 18 whetstone 26th February 2021, 17:49
» by quisling
YP Cryptic last clue! 1 buggles 26th February 2021, 13:22
» by chrise
i 3137 4 david w 26th February 2021, 12:39
» by malone
Mungo crossword 2 jayne 26th February 2021, 00:31
» by jayne
Times cryptic 21.14 9 whetstone 25th February 2021, 16:12
» by malone
CLUELESS 515 40 bigbadmarty2 25th February 2021, 12:07
» by fieryjack
Times cryptic 21.13 12 whetstone 24th February 2021, 13:36
» by whetstone
LISTENER 4647, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 31 malone 24th February 2021, 04:25
» by crosswhit99
alphapuzzle tues 2 manudave 23rd February 2021, 19:14
» by manudave
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