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Genius 211 38 buzzybee 24th January 2021, 16:49
» by hkwstuck
SUNDAY TIMES 4939 3 gooner 24th January 2021, 15:06
» by malone
LISTENER 4641, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 49 malone 24th January 2021, 13:05
» by tatters
LISTENER 4642, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 135 malone 24th January 2021, 12:54
» by jensun
Inquisitor 1683 36 lumen 24th January 2021, 11:48
» by loge
Times cryptic 3.71 7 whetstone 23rd January 2021, 23:24
» by rusty
Can’t reconcile any possible answers to clue 6 jando7 23rd January 2021, 21:29
» by rossim
Wee Stinker 23/01/21 3 timdownieuk 23rd January 2021, 20:17
» by chrise
Viz 302 PG possible bad language 15 woodshederic2 23rd January 2021, 16:45
» by malone
TIMES 27,882 10 gooner 23rd January 2021, 16:41
» by malone
YP1821 2 linton 23rd January 2021, 11:15
» by linton
PEER REVIEW 472 80 aristophanes 23rd January 2021, 02:36
» by buddy
Harpers 2021-02 puzzle 26 syzygy 22nd January 2021, 21:30
» by aristophanes
Spectator 2489 23 unclued 22nd January 2021, 20:40
» by fred108
Letter from America 2 beverleysa 22nd January 2021, 16:00
» by beverleysa
Local rag 1 bert 22nd January 2021, 12:01
» by ginge
star alpha 2 catwoman48 22nd January 2021, 11:07
» by catwoman48
Guardian 28,344 92 brendan 21st January 2021, 21:14
» by williamseal
EV 1470 27 xwordfan 21st January 2021, 20:24
» by grunger
Speccie 2490 2 farr 21st January 2021, 17:46
» by farr
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