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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Guardian Prize 28,715 57 geeker 8th April 2022, 15:02
» by pamd
Times Jumbo 1548 27 strangelybrown 8th April 2022, 07:35
» by malone
Magpie 232 6 buzzermaster 7th April 2022, 21:18
» by buzzermaster
LISTENER 4705 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES ON THEME 57 norah (admin) 7th April 2022, 20:06
» by quixote
Clueless 573 57 patrich 7th April 2022, 15:44
» by aristophanes
TLS 1421 2 xwordfan 7th April 2022, 08:32
» by xwordfan
Private Eye 725 3 alvin 6th April 2022, 21:50
» by jono
The Week 1305 2 momc 5th April 2022, 19:21
» by momc
Spectator 2549 5 the18racer 5th April 2022, 17:25
» by gerba
Telegraph 50-50 #82 4 trickyvic 5th April 2022, 14:45
» by trickyvic
RT 15 0 chrise 5th April 2022, 11:55
» by chrise
EV 1533 9 son1ofrover1 5th April 2022, 11:26
» by puzzledom
RTE Guide 15 2 laurel 5th April 2022, 10:24
» by laurel
Guardian Prize 28,721 50 brendan 4th April 2022, 23:14
» by feebee
Herald Clootie - April 0 seamus, ayrshire 4th April 2022, 22:52
» by seamus, ayrshire
Everyman 3,938 31 paradigmshifter 4th April 2022, 17:35
» by judyd
Sunday Times Cryptic 5001 3 bobbycollins 4th April 2022, 16:45
» by malone
RT 14 9 mop 4th April 2022, 15:29
» by mop
Weekend Peer Review 126 53 jono 4th April 2022, 06:14
» by culmer
Sunday Mail £50 Crossword 2 jinty 3rd April 2022, 22:45
» by jinty
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