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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Speccie 2550 11 farr 15th April 2022, 07:57
» by cloverjo
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1549 17 gooner 14th April 2022, 22:20
» by jono
Water Aid - Animal Accomplices 2 tigger7 14th April 2022, 18:15
» by tigger7
Clueless 574 56 jono 14th April 2022, 10:04
» by fieryjack
Phoenix Magazine - 8 April 3 kay633 13th April 2022, 18:44
» by quisling
Daily Record - 12 April 4 agatha 13th April 2022, 10:56
» by malone
Guardian Prize 28,727 49 brendan 12th April 2022, 23:34
» by brendan
Everyman 3.939 38 brendan 12th April 2022, 17:18
» by julesvern
Azed 2600 9 telescoper 12th April 2022, 15:25
» by malone
Weekend Peer Review 127 68 buddy 11th April 2022, 20:37
» by paul
Inquisitor 1746 21 gitto 11th April 2022, 17:40
» by dfg2
The Week 1306 4 twwp 11th April 2022, 12:23
» by twwp
Times Cryptic 28,260 18 puzzledbob 11th April 2022, 10:21
» by bobbycollins
Wall Street Journal 20220409 3 syzygy 10th April 2022, 19:37
» by syzygy
Daily Record - Saturday 2 brahan 10th April 2022, 19:04
» by brahan
Telegraph 50-50 #75 2 trickyvic 10th April 2022, 16:35
» by trickyvic
Times Jumbo 1548 2 michael 9th April 2022, 18:25
» by michael
Telegraph 50-50 #87 2 trickyvic 9th April 2022, 15:27
» by trickyvic
Times 1170 4 petrodkim 9th April 2022, 08:07
» by petrodkim
Peer Review 535 58 jono 9th April 2022, 06:21
» by jimmygtal
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