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Guardian Prize 26,442 9 david w 24th June 2022, 08:20
» by malone
Clueless 584 32 mattrom 23rd June 2022, 02:21
» by aristophanes
Guardian Prize 28,787 97 brendan 23rd June 2022, 00:00
» by jennaralissima
EV 1544 19 aspria 22nd June 2022, 09:07
» by kirky
Clue from a Book 4 kitkat 22nd June 2022, 09:00
» by kitkat
LISTENER 4715 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES TO THEME 147 malone 22nd June 2022, 00:01
» by louweed
Weekend Peer Review 137 57 jimmygtal 20th June 2022, 22:02
» by fieryjack
Sunday Post Cryptic 5 babs 20th June 2022, 18:56
» by babs
Kryptic Kitchen Quiz 4 tex123 20th June 2022, 13:06
» by tex123
LISTENER 4711 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES TO THEME 93 malone 19th June 2022, 22:00
» by mooncow
EV 1542 11 brendan 19th June 2022, 18:27
» by buddy
Everyman 3,949 40 geeker 19th June 2022, 18:05
» by teewens
Sunday Times 5012 3 crosser 19th June 2022, 14:10
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1562 8 strangelybrown 19th June 2022, 11:37
» by strangelybrown
Times 28,320 8 bassett 19th June 2022, 10:00
» by malone
Boxing Matches 4 stangman71 19th June 2022, 04:50
» by stangman71
FT 17,124 5 loubyloo10 18th June 2022, 15:09
» by quisling
Radstock & Midsomer Quiz 8 itsme 18th June 2022, 13:24
» by itsme
Rebus? Image Puzzle 3 stangman71 18th June 2022, 13:19
» by unlockholmes
Times Big Book of Cryptics 5 hjb 18th June 2022, 13:05
» by loubyloo10
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