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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Guardian Cryptic 28,794 9 mathprofrockstar 28th June 2022, 03:03
» by brendan
The Baffler 5 stangman71 27th June 2022, 22:44
» by stangman71
Harpers 2022-07 7 syzygy 27th June 2022, 21:14
» by aristophanes
Azed 2,611 3 itsme 27th June 2022, 20:35
» by itsme
Weekend Peer Review 138 71 jono 27th June 2022, 12:15
» by paul
Giant Cryptic 2 stangman71 27th June 2022, 08:16
» by stangman71
Everyman 3,950 47 brendan 27th June 2022, 06:37
» by brendan
Avian Cryptic Challenge 7 marty83 26th June 2022, 23:28
» by brendan
LISTENER 4716 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES TOWARDS THEME 63 malone 26th June 2022, 22:14
» by gazzar
Guardian Prize 28,793 108 geeker 26th June 2022, 22:07
» by luko
Times 28,326 5 dscatch 26th June 2022, 19:06
» by bassett
EV 1545 2 kirky 26th June 2022, 17:32
» by teenieleek
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1563 9 merryphil 26th June 2022, 13:55
» by strangelybrown
Private Eye 730 18 jacanterbury 25th June 2022, 18:50
» by norah (admin)
FT 17,130 11 loubyloo10 25th June 2022, 17:37
» by chrise
Peer Review 546 60 fieryjack 25th June 2022, 13:59
» by tyke51
Guardian Prize 28,781 72 geeker 25th June 2022, 13:13
» by barryc
Speccie 2561 5 farr 24th June 2022, 23:15
» by farr
IQ 1756 19 brendan 24th June 2022, 19:01
» by malone
Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary Quiz 5 snowball 24th June 2022, 16:46
» by snowball
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