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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Spectator 2573 9 jazzgirl 22nd September 2022, 16:12
» by hounds
Clueless 597 24 aristophanes 22nd September 2022, 13:44
» by dorrien
IQ 1769 15 brendan 22nd September 2022, 12:55
» by bobbycollins
FT 17,206 0 loubyloo10 22nd September 2022, 09:57
» by loubyloo10
Everyman 3962 39 brendan 22nd September 2022, 02:57
» by horn2x
Lovatts Colossus Giant Cryptic - Issue 202 2 stangman71 21st September 2022, 14:32
» by stangman71
EV 1557 5 jack aubrey 20th September 2022, 12:35
» by spoffy
Weekend Peer Review 150 62 mattrom 20th September 2022, 03:15
» by dorrien
Guardian Prize 28,865 63 brendan 19th September 2022, 23:58
» by paradigmshifter
RTE Guide 39 1 laurel 19th September 2022, 21:47
» by mattrom
PLEASE READ - POSTING GUIDELINES 3 norah (admin) 19th September 2022, 19:49
» by norah (admin)
Cryptic 2 epsh42 19th September 2022, 18:35
» by epsh42
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1576 5 rocketman 19th September 2022, 15:12
» by strangelybrown
Times 28,398 11 bassett 19th September 2022, 00:55
» by paul
LISTENER 4728 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES TO THEME 116 malone 18th September 2022, 19:55
» by raggedy
Viz 319 - Caution PG 24 orange 18th September 2022, 06:37
» by brendan
RT 38 2 chopper erk 17th September 2022, 21:57
» by chopper erk
Strange Headlines 2 simplesimon 17th September 2022, 20:20
» by simplesimon
Cookies Problem 14 saltyolddog 17th September 2022, 18:55
» by alwayspuzzled
FT 17,202 2 loubyloo10 17th September 2022, 12:38
» by loubyloo10
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