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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Private Eye 739 11 drmorgans 26th October 2022, 16:52
» by telboy1999
Guardian Prize 28,895 71 brendan 25th October 2022, 23:49
» by minno
IQ 1774 22 brendan 25th October 2022, 18:50
» by malone
Azed 2628 2 the_bard 25th October 2022, 18:07
» by the_bard
Daily Mail, Smallest Hardest - 25 October 4 richard 25th October 2022, 16:29
» by malone
Saga - November 3 trelos1 25th October 2022, 10:35
» by jono
Sunday Mail 1 agatha 25th October 2022, 07:33
» by malone
Weekend Peer Review 155 50 mattrom 24th October 2022, 20:08
» by fieryjack
Everyman 3967 51 chrise 24th October 2022, 18:11
» by jazzgirl
Times 28,428 6 bassett 23rd October 2022, 20:34
» by strangelybrown
Phoenix Magazine - 21 October 9 kay633 23rd October 2022, 20:01
» by malone
FT 17,232 7 loubyloo10 23rd October 2022, 17:51
» by phloebus
Buxton Mountain Rescue Quiz 5 tex123 23rd October 2022, 12:15
» by tex123
Peer Review 563 59 tyke51 22nd October 2022, 16:36
» by buddy
LISTENER 4733 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES to THEME 28 malone 21st October 2022, 10:34
» by mooncow
Inquisitor 1773 28 jogamel 20th October 2022, 21:30
» by quisling
Guardian Prize 28,889 72 geeker 20th October 2022, 20:48
» by tonystock
Clueless 601 39 buddy 20th October 2022, 14:33
» by buddy
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1580 6 rocketman 20th October 2022, 08:36
» by strangelybrown
EV 1561 8 alwayspuzzled 19th October 2022, 10:10
» by bunty
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