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Topic Replies Started by Last post
SP 3 cantdo 10th June 2018, 20:31
» by cantdo
Times Jumbo 1328 cryptic 3 rocketman 10th June 2018, 19:55
» by mamya
Sunday Express Skeleton 3 rocketman 10th June 2018, 19:41
» by malone
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 3 ollyblue 10th June 2018, 19:27
» by malone
Inquisitor 1546 17 kirky 10th June 2018, 18:46
» by malone
Everyman 3739 4 catcharmer 10th June 2018, 18:44
» by catcharmer
Mojo 296 2 robthebuck 10th June 2018, 17:55
» by robthebuck
Everyman3739 2 peter21 10th June 2018, 17:55
» by peter21
I 2289 5 bellandme 10th June 2018, 17:30
» by scorpiojo
two replie 1 litlun 10th June 2018, 15:30
» by malone
Sat. times. no 27060 2 litlun 10th June 2018, 15:18
» by pigale
Times 1328 jumbo cryptic 2 gaufridus 10th June 2018, 14:29
» by gaufridus
i Cryptic 2289 4 diablos 10th June 2018, 13:13
» by spoffy
Times 27060 4 rozbogs 10th June 2018, 12:16
» by rozbogs
Everyman 3739 2 peadar 10th June 2018, 12:10
» by peadar
Guardian Prize by Paul 22 chrise 10th June 2018, 08:57
» by rossim
Sat. TIMES 27,060 2 hal o the wynd 10th June 2018, 08:55
» by hal o the wynd
Timesjumbocryptic1328 2 pauljk 10th June 2018, 08:06
» by pauljk
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1328 6 brendan 10th June 2018, 01:49
» by brendan
FT Polymath 973 5 cresson 10th June 2018, 00:07
» by elle
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