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Local cryptic 2 trent18 13th June 2018, 12:16
» by trent18
i Cryptic 2292 9 diablos 13th June 2018, 10:53
» by elle
endings and beginnings 2 quizmad 13th June 2018, 07:09
» by quizmad
The answer is a bird 3 woodhams 12th June 2018, 22:27
» by scorpiojo
Local paper, request explanation please. 3 kitkat 12th June 2018, 16:28
» by kitkat
Inquisitor 1546 2 mjk 12th June 2018, 15:33
» by mjk
EV 1331 19 cloverjo 12th June 2018, 14:24
» by cloverjo
Cryptic Clue 2 milna 12th June 2018, 14:00
» by milna
I ctyptic 18 thomas 12th June 2018, 13:22
» by jazzgirl
occupations 7 quizmad 12th June 2018, 12:14
» by ernie
Sunday Crossword 3 sharper 12th June 2018, 12:00
» by chrise
i Cryptic 2291 10 diablos 12th June 2018, 11:02
» by elle
Alpha puzzle 3 delboy65 12th June 2018, 09:35
» by malone
Daily mail 1 alistair 11th June 2018, 23:21
» by scorpiojo
Wee Stinker 20 john 11th June 2018, 20:57
» by arremmay
Local cryptic 3 trent18 11th June 2018, 14:30
» by cerasus
i Cryptic 2290 5 diablos 11th June 2018, 10:09
» by diablos
Alphapuzzle Friday 4 cat55 11th June 2018, 08:40
» by cat55
Sunday Herald General Knowledge 10/6 2 chantho 10th June 2018, 23:43
» by mamya
Express skeleton 6 april 10th June 2018, 22:52
» by brendan
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