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DT Toughie #88 - Last one 4 john (from arran) 4th February 2009, 00:21
» by john (from arran)
DT 25,842 24 Across 2 desperate 4th February 2009, 00:16
» by desperate
RTE Guide C/W 1 rufina stephenson 4th February 2009, 00:10
» by jimc
Azed no. 1914 "Letters Latent" 11 stephen boyle 3rd February 2009, 19:43
» by stephen boyle
one last one to solve! 2 jude 3rd February 2009, 14:04
» by jude
Times jumbo cryptic 798 14 trevor 3rd February 2009, 00:42
» by trevor
MoS C/W 3 rufina stephenson 3rd February 2009, 00:24
» by rufina stephenson
IMOS 2 templetenny 3rd February 2009, 00:16
» by templetenny
SundayMail 4 brenda shields 2nd February 2009, 22:17
» by brenda shields
Sunday Tribune 2 wondering 2nd February 2009, 17:17
» by wondering
independent saturdy 6956 2 dj_tanktop 2nd February 2009, 15:40
» by dj_tanktop
Sunday Times 4314 3 isobel 2nd February 2009, 15:34
» by isobel
Sunday Times 4314 4 jenny 2nd February 2009, 15:27
» by jenny
MoS C/W 1 john stephenson 2nd February 2009, 15:26
» by terry
times jumbo 798 2 marianne 2nd February 2009, 15:01
» by marianne
Sunday Times 4314 3 jenny 2nd February 2009, 14:26
» by jenny
Times Jumbo 798 Cryptic 2 marnie 2nd February 2009, 14:13
» by marnie
Times Cryptic 798 2 wendy 2nd February 2009, 14:13
» by wendy
D Tel 25,840 2 john palmer 2nd February 2009, 13:00
» by john palmer
Times 24137 2 mark douglas 2nd February 2009, 11:58
» by mark
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