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More like 'sore-toothsayer'! 5 uncle arthur 7th February 2009, 14:00
» by uncle arthur
cryptic xword 1 poppy 7th February 2009, 07:24
» by caravaggio
cryptic xword 1 poppy 7th February 2009, 07:21
» by caravaggio
Radio Times #7 ... 9 john (from arran) 6th February 2009, 23:27
» by john (from arran)
DT25,845 5 marilyn 6th February 2009, 23:18
» by john (from arran)
RT #6 3 hannah 6th February 2009, 20:00
» by hannah
help needed! 4 matty 6th February 2009, 19:37
» by jimc
Sunday Times 4314 10 robert 6th February 2009, 16:34
» by simon
mos prize crossword 4 krisstoff 6th February 2009, 16:17
» by krisstoff
really stuck!!! am i umb 2 pat 6th February 2009, 13:03
» by pat
DAILY MAIL 2 pauline 6th February 2009, 12:47
» by pauline
Radio Times No 6 4 terry d 6th February 2009, 12:25
» by terry d
local xword 2 bill 6th February 2009, 11:11
» by bill
clueless 3 mr des mccullough 5th February 2009, 12:06
» by jimc
RTE Guide 2 toastcake 5th February 2009, 11:08
» by toastcake
mos prize crossword 3 krisstoff 4th February 2009, 20:42
» by mike b
ST 4314. HELP. 2 carol 4th February 2009, 16:30
» by carol
MoS C/W 2 rufina stephenson 4th February 2009, 15:33
» by rufina stephenson
daily mail quick 2 bill 4th February 2009, 13:57
» by bill
DT Toughie #88 - Last one 4 john (from arran) 4th February 2009, 00:21
» by john (from arran)
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