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Help still stumped 6 gary 17th February 2009, 16:37
» by trevor
Assume Control 7 ross 17th February 2009, 16:11
» by ross
Last few for today, dentist calling 4 gary 17th February 2009, 15:50
» by jimc
Stage Musical 2 ross 17th February 2009, 14:27
» by ross
Easy ones but still need some help 9 gary 17th February 2009, 11:40
» by paulinep
Times jumbo cryptic 800 8 trevor 17th February 2009, 11:21
» by terry
Wee Stinker 2 chris 17th February 2009, 10:29
» by chris
Times Saturday 24149 2 jim 17th February 2009, 10:21
» by jim
RT8 2 suram 16th February 2009, 21:09
» by trevor
Sunday Times Mephisto 2529 8 jerry 16th February 2009, 20:10
» by audrey
Bare Bones Crossword 3 suram 16th February 2009, 20:10
» by suram
last one! 1 matty 16th February 2009, 18:26
» by jimc
Sunday Times 4316 3 joed 16th February 2009, 17:25
» by joed
last few! 4 matty 16th February 2009, 16:58
» by kena
Times 24149 3 mark 16th February 2009, 16:37
» by mark
2 answers needed daily star saturday jumbo 2 michael 16th February 2009, 16:02
» by big dave
Times Saturday Crossword 24,149 9 diana 16th February 2009, 13:32
» by brian
One from my local paper... 4 pooksahib 16th February 2009, 12:55
» by pooksahib
Sunday Times 4316 2 diana 16th February 2009, 11:23
» by diana
MoS No:1373 2 rufina stephenson 16th February 2009, 01:32
» by big dave
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