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Stuck on two 2 lorry 14th June 2009, 15:27
» by lorry
Observer 3272 2 reddog 14th June 2009, 15:23
» by laurence rowbottom
Sunday Times Crossword 4333 3 jimbo 14th June 2009, 14:53
» by jimbo
Codeword D/Mail Thurs 11th june 2 duffy 14th June 2009, 13:54
» by duffy
You mag. 3 louise 14th June 2009, 13:44
» by louise
DT 25,954 3 peter 14th June 2009, 13:33
» by peter
You mag 2 louise 14th June 2009, 11:46
» by louise
Cheshire house No 67 - Items of clothing - 1 to go !! 2 ejay 14th June 2009, 11:19
» by ejay
ST 4333 3 des 14th June 2009, 11:08
» by des
Puzzled 1 dawn 14th June 2009, 11:00
» by millder
Times cryptic 24251 2 sally 14th June 2009, 10:31
» by sally
You mag 3 toastcake 14th June 2009, 10:28
» by sally
ST 4333 2 sergio 14th June 2009, 10:19
» by sergio
Children quiz 13 quizaddict 14th June 2009, 08:01
» by trevor
Times Jumbo Cryptic 820 6 jonny 14th June 2009, 05:44
» by t
Jewelry 4 angie 13th June 2009, 23:21
» by angie
Express Crusader Crossword 3 bob 13th June 2009, 22:49
» by bob
Villages of North Yorkshire 11 danny 13th June 2009, 22:21
» by nibbles
Book or Play Title 2 daisy 13th June 2009, 19:19
» by daisy
Times Cryptic 24251 13 headprior 13th June 2009, 17:08
» by eleanormcn
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