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Topic Replies Started by Last post
palindromes 0 em 20th June 2009, 20:40
» by em
Can't do 2!!! 5 ann 20th June 2009, 20:25
» by ann
stuck on 2 clues 5 barns 20th June 2009, 20:12
» by barns
Help 7 belle 20th June 2009, 20:01
» by trevor
I need some help please 7 teddy 20th June 2009, 19:56
» by teddy
Can anyone help please? 1 billy 20th June 2009, 18:12
» by suesan
Towns in the NE England 5 jaybe 20th June 2009, 16:52
» by jaybe
Last Clue 2 dawn paylor 20th June 2009, 16:07
» by dawn paylor
d tel 25 960 last one 2 roger the dodger 20th June 2009, 15:33
» by roger the dodger
DT25960 5 geoff marbella 20th June 2009, 14:00
» by mamya
no idea...getting major headache 6 poppy 20th June 2009, 12:53
» by mamya
which crossword 1 dido 20th June 2009, 12:05
» by poppy
Past & Present Childrens TV 8 danny 19th June 2009, 22:33
» by pattie
last one! 7 matty 19th June 2009, 22:29
» by matty
RT 25 2 biddy 19th June 2009, 21:39
» by biddy
Clueless!! 3 peterg 19th June 2009, 18:20
» by peterg
Music video Misfits 4 billie 19th June 2009, 17:37
» by billie
Times today 6 janie 19th June 2009, 16:54
» by janie
clothing quiz 3 simon 19th June 2009, 16:33
» by simon
Can anyone explain? 4 patsyann 19th June 2009, 16:27
» by trevor
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