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13th November 2010, 15:45
Modrian - what did you pour over your art books? And did it not ruin them? Try poring in future!
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13th November 2010, 18:45
I'm a bit behind the game, I only finished RT45 on about Wednesday and I've only just finished RT46. I think I'm losing it because so many of you have said in this thread how easy RT46 is - I didn't find it easy at all.
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13th November 2010, 20:38
Hi Crypto,

I don't intend to look back through my posts but I'm sure that I didn't say that this puzzle was easy - and I never would. You've persevered and done two RT crosswords back to back and good for you. I always believe that the level of difficulty is in the eyes of the beholder and I'm certain that none of us completes the clues in an identical sequence so I don't think you're losing it!

Kind regards,

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13th November 2010, 22:30
Agreed - it wasn't easy. Did anyone say it was? If so, they're bluffing. (A polite way of saying they're lying their bollocks off. Sorry OldGal)
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13th November 2010, 22:41
Cheers C and R - I've just had a quick look back and there is much reference to it being easy - must have imagined it - so I'm right I must be losing it :-)
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14th November 2010, 00:30
Hi,never said it was easy,never will. I said it was a mixed collection of clues, some good some not so good. Like most crosswords! I'm struggling with the Guardian right now. Well not right now, I've put it to one side and will have have another look tomorrow. Night all.x
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15th November 2010, 11:31
Robtherich - I must have been thinking of that Pinot Grigio!!

Crypto I certainly do not find it easy. Thought I had finished but now find 10A is still undone.
Second half of border row (4) and I have -I-R. Various possibilities occur to me but cannot `get` the relevance to the clue. And just to prove a point I still do not get the clue from last week`s about the nobleman and the double century. To this I put `ducal` but still don`t get the double century bit.
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15th November 2010, 20:45
Hi Mondrian - re your queries:

Second half of border row (4) and I have -I-R.

The border is 'frontier' second half of which is the answer 'tier'

Re clue from last week about the nobleman and the double century.

It is 'ducal' which is dual (double) with c (century) in.
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