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9th November 2010, 19:58
Hi Chris,

I love the expression 'blue dye jobbie' - I have the same answer - which makes me wonder if you're a Scot.

As I initially came to the same conclusion as you about the London river, I did some delving and have found that it can be spelt both ways so I'm sure that you do have the right answer.

Kind regards,

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9th November 2010, 20:29
Hello everyone.

Pleased to see that most have finished- I did not find it too bad. Unlike some of you, the first one I completed was 4d due entirely to my wife who remembered her history lessons, and if you take roll to mean wad, perhaps it becomes clearer.
I liked 16a, and 19d and sorry Karen, 10a. It depends on how you pronounce "row"
This will be my last posting for three weeks as I go on my annual trip to sunny Florida on Friday and whilst I will have access to the site, I wont have the RT. (sorry Bees, but last year when I went, I upset you as you had to go to work)
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9th November 2010, 20:45
Congratulations chris4food - well done!
Have a good holiday Philip.
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9th November 2010, 22:19
Nimrod: I hope that you're still on the mend.

Philip: Have a good holiday. I'm sure that others reading your post have probably turned green with envy - I know I have...
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9th November 2010, 22:34
Hi Caravaggio - thanks for the congrats - it's such an achievement [well, for me it is!] In answer to your Q - no I'm not a Scot, I'm a Cestrian [another one!!] in exile on the other side of the Pennines [S Yorks]
Thanks, too, Nimrod
Philip, have a great hol - I bet I'm the only one not green with envy - don't like the sun - which is just as well, living in this country....
By the way, my interest was quirked looking at Poser of the Day with over 900 postings. Couldn't resist the temptation to peek, and behold, there's John of Arran, Bees, trevor [sic] and a host of others - TELLING [some very funny]JOKES - and what's more it's been going on for over a year - I think we should be told....
Cheers to you all - and thanks for all the help over the last few months when I've been struggling - I'm sure this completion is a one off and I'll be reduced to asking [cap in hand] for alternative clues... and having one too many senior moments
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10th November 2010, 09:14
Hi Philip, I hope that you will have a lovely holiday in sunny Florida.I do envy you, chiefly because of the atrocious weather we have had recently in North Yorkshire.My only stay with Uncle Sam was in frozen North Dakota.
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10th November 2010, 10:56
As a relatively newcomer to this forum my I send my deepest condolences to "NAVIGATOR" in his sad loss,I have found that that this forum is a very closely knit community.
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10th November 2010, 11:01
Quote from Thicko: " ... closely knit community.

That'll be Mamya's doing!

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10th November 2010, 11:20
Thankyou Mondrian and Thicko for your kind messages....and Thicko, I am also a newcomer but feel already blessed with a number of very good new friends.
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10th November 2010, 12:55
JimC: Mamya? Heard from/of her recently? Hope she's not another one we've lost...
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