Hi Caravaggio - thanks for the congrats - it's such an achievement [well, for me it is!] In answer to your Q - no I'm not a Scot, I'm a Cestrian [another one!!] in exile on the other side of the Pennines [S Yorks]
Thanks, too, Nimrod
Philip, have a great hol - I bet I'm the only one not green with envy - don't like the sun - which is just as well, living in this country....
By the way, my interest was quirked looking at Poser of the Day with over 900 postings. Couldn't resist the temptation to peek, and behold, there's John of Arran, Bees, trevor [sic] and a host of others - TELLING [some very funny]JOKES - and what's more it's been going on for over a year - I think we should be told....
Cheers to you all - and thanks for all the help over the last few months when I've been struggling - I'm sure this completion is a one off and I'll be reduced to asking [cap in hand] for alternative clues... and having one too many senior moments